Wednesday, January 2, 2013


<<In just a few days, Congress will solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. 
They should reread Article 1 Section 8 and the Bill of Rights before taking such a serious oath.  Most legislation violates key provisions of the Constitution in very basic ways, and if members can’t bring themselves to say no in the face of pressure from special interests, they have broken trust with their constituents and violated their oaths. Congress does not exist to serve special interests, it exists to protect the rule of law.

I also urge my colleagues to end unconstitutional wars overseas.  Stop the drone strikes; stop the covert activities and meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. Strive to observe “good faith and justice towards all Nations” as George Washington admonished.  We are only making more enemies, wasting lives, and bankrupting ourselves with the interventionist mindset that endorses pre-emptive war that now dominates both parties.

All foreign aid should end because it is blatantly unconstitutional. While it may be a relatively small part of our federal budget, for many countries it is a large part of theirs--and it creates perverse incentives for both our friends and enemies. There is no way members of Congress can know or understand the political, economic, legal, and social realities in the many nations to which they send taxpayer dollars.

Congress needs to stop accumulating more debt. US debt, monetized by the Federal Reserve, is the true threat to our national security. Revisiting the parameters of Article 1 Section 8 would be a good start.

Congress should resolve to respect personal liberty and free markets. Learn more about the free market and how it regulates commerce and produces greater prosperity better than any legislation or regulation. Understand that economic freedom IS freedom.  Resolve not to get in the way of voluntary contracts between consenting adults.  Stop bailing out failed yet politically connected companies and industries. Stop forcing people to engage in commerce when they don’t want to, and stop prohibiting them from buying and selling when they do want to.  Stop trying to legislate your ideas of fairness.  Protect property rights.  Protect the individual.  That is enough.

There are many more resolutions I would like to see my colleagues in Congress adopt, but respect for the Constitution and the oath of office should be at the core of everything members of Congress do.>>
<end quote>

Who wrote these words?
I won't tell you.
I'd venture a guess that more than half of all who read this will agree, however.
Yes, we'll agree, but we keep electing the same pathetic failures, the same ones who have lied to us and lied to us and lied to us some more!
We'll keep blaming each "administration", each mere man in that oval office, although we surely know it's CONGRESS who makes the laws, who vote on each one, who can defeat proposals any time they CHOOSE to.
We vote for them even after they've voted AGAINST our wishes, time and time again, after they've ignored their BOSSES, WE, THE PEOPLE, we, who elect them, so that WE become complicit with their unconstitutionality, their squandering of taxpayer dollars.
On the back of this latest "bill", H.R. 8, that has PASSED in both houses of Congress, there were so many "pork barrel" items riding on the back of the tax RELIEF, that we should be ashamed to have the thing as a matter of Congressional record!

Among the worst is this:
A transfer of billions of dollars in federal aid FROM public projects in Puerto Rico TO one of the world’s largest LIQUOR conglomerates over the next 30 years .
As a result, money that’s now being used to build schools and restore tropical forests in a U.S. territory is being turned into what is essentially a $3 billion tax break for London-based Diageo, whose $20 billion in sales last year were powered by Dom PĂ©rignon, Captain Morgan and other popular brands.
Sure, Congress will support RUM, but not a lousy $300 million to repair our aging electrical grid and keep us from sinking back into the dark ages if anything should overtax the antiquated piece of work! Not one thin dime to secure a sufficient number of  fallout shelters in case of nuclear strike, not a dime to REALLY protect citizens, not once in over 50 years!
And if you think for one sweet second that the "Homeland Security" thing is to PROTECT you and me, you have NEVER read those bills! You have NEVER read that heinous "Patriot Act", that ABOMINATION they labeled the "NDAA"!
Those ROBBED us of security, those made us ALL "potential terrorists", ALL OF US!

Some member of Congress suggested $70 MILLION in "incentives" for NASCAR!
<<Extension of a "seven-year cost recovery period for certain motorsports racing track facilities," tax write-offs.>>
It's in the bill, go read it at any of hundreds of websites!
The House voted 257 to 167 to OKAY that!!!
 85 Republicans and 172 Democrats said "THAT'S FINE!" ...WITHOUT ASKING YOU, OR ME! Some of the ADD-ONS came at the last HOUR of deliberation!

People are screaming about entitlements, but how many REALIZE or CARE that huge corporations get entitlements that cost us BILLIONS every single year? You didn't know that?
Extension of tax credits for the diesel and biodiesel industry, incentives for HOLLYWOOD, for crying out loud, for HOLLYWOOD!

158 pages, all told, FOUR DIFFERENT VERSIONS, & the final version, the one they AGREED TO, most of it was "amended" with "riders" added IN SECRET, behind CLOSED & LOCKED doors!
So MANY riders that a very few rare Congressmen got SICK, and wrote about them on their websites !
How many Congressmen read EVERY page? How many CITIZENS read even TWO pages?

What's wrong with America is NOT the wee little man we put in the oval office!
What's wrong with America is our greedy, lying POLITICIANS!
What's wrong with America is that WE ALLOW IT TO CONTINUE!
We never demand accountability, we never demand they read ALL pages of ALL new 'bills', we never go up there IN PERSON and tell them face-to-face to STOP screwing our nation and us over and over again!
We just sit and whine, mostly, and the very next time we get a vote, WE VOTE THE SAME ONES RIGHT BACK IN!

The man who wrote the above words in <<quotes>> was a member of Congress for decades! HE OUGHT TO KNOW WHAT THEY"RE DOING, AND HE SAYS THEY HAVE VIOLATED THEIR OATHS!

If we do keep sending the same CRIMINALS, the same TRAITORS back, it won't matter WHO is President, or even if we have NO President! The SAME crooks will do the SAME crimes next term!
In the beginning years of Congress, TREASON was punishable by HANGING!
I don't see how that could have changed!

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