Thursday, October 8, 2020


According to The Mathematical Association of America (MAA), math is racist.   

In a  statement released on Friday, October 2, 2020, the association wrote, “It is time for all members of our profession to acknowledge that mathematics is created by humans and therefore inherently carries human biases. Until this (acknowledgement) occurs, our community and our students cannot reach full potential."

It continues, "The time is now to move mathematics and education forward in pursuit of justice.”

"Policy must be informed by facts and science." 

"Thanks to science and mathematics, we understand now that masks, social distancing, frequent, rapid, mass testing, and contact tracing are all fundamental to keep our communities safer during the COVID-19 pandemic."

[Care for some Fauci facts, MAA?]  

"Yet policies at the federal level have not consistently reflected these facts
for example, choosing not to incorporate a mask-mandate in the US has had serious consequences.”

[Dr. Fauci, 2009: “Parents should not send their kids to school if they’re sick (schools remained OPEN), if you’re sick don’t go to work (the economy was NOT shut down)… avoid places where there are people who are sick and coughing (NO businesses were closed, NO masks were mandated), now that’s a difficult thing to do,” he said. “…You can’t isolate yourself from the rest of the world for the whole flu season.”
That 2009 pandemic was over in 10 months and we saw 60 million infected and almost 13,000 deaths in the U.S. including almost 600 children.
H1N1 is what the SPANISH FLU was that threatened to wipe out humanity, MAA guys. 

BTW, "mask-mandate" does not need to be hyphenated. 
Did whoever wrote this 'statement' pass high school English, and where have you been? Every state in the union had mandated masks, social distancing, lockdowns, the whole nine yards, unlike 2009/Obama administration.]


(I assure you this was a REAL 'newsflash'. You really can't make up the high quality or purity of manure that MAA produced.) 

Several social media users were quick to call out the association, poking fun at the absurdity of the claim that math is inherently racist.

 “If you truly believe that math is created by humans, you have no business in math. The ways that we *describe* math are, no doubt, a social construct, but math itself is the discovery of underlying reality,” wrote Heather E. Heying, an evolutionary biologist.

This means that all members of MAA are racist, right? 

Math has GOT to go, just like those statues and rebel flags and ...I forget what all has been demolished or is on the demolition list, but I vote YES on demolishing math! 

I blame calculus and 'imaginary numbers' for my utter contempt of mathematics.

I had a grand laugh when the very next article on the MAA 'org's' website was titled "PROVING UNPROVABILITY"

These guys need therapists. 
Therapists don't do no steeeenkeeeng math. 

'Christianity is judgmental and alienating,' Hillary Clinton says

[Psssst, Hillary, so are YOU, hon, but, hey, you won the popular vote, punkin.
I heard that Bill told Monica you were the most judgmental, alienating  old _itch he had ever met. 
It wasn't Christianity or the GOP who cost you that oval office, sweetie. It was you ...and that electoral college.
Go beat up someone, break some furniture, scream that rage, then suck it all up and go on with life, dearie. You're done.]

[P.S. Hill...they got you on jail camera, baby. FLEE!]

"Many young people are leaving the Church today because Christianity has become too judgmental and alienating for them," said lifelong Methodist and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

During her podcast, she argued that "black lives matter" is a “theological statement.” 

[Sort of like animal sacrifice or a blood-drinking witches' coven is, Hill?] 

 The Church in America, she suggested, needs to “take a hard look at itself and try to figure out how it can be a real partner in this moment of moral awakening.”

[Hang on, Billary...'moral awakening'? Arson, rioting, robbing, beating and shooting people are 'moral awakenings'? I don't see YOU out there with BLM setting any fires, kid. How come? Don't you wanna be morally awake, sugar?]

Jesus and justice are the same thing,” Clinton argued, but there is a “concerted effort by one political party to basically try to own Christianity and it overlooks the role of the African-American church.”

[Come on, HRC! Justice was never beaten half to death and then crucified! Justice was never a living Being. Nobody ever called justice the Son of God. What church do you attend, Hill? 
Look..Pastor Barber's scarf clearly says, "JESUS WAS A POOR MAN". Did you see that? 

['Splain to us how the GOP owns Christianity? It'd be quicker and easier if you just said, "Well, I lied about that, no way anybody can corner the market on Christianity."
How's that brain, Hill honey? Are you seeing someone to keep a watch for clots?]

Clinton made the comment while interviewing 'social justice advocate' and Pastor William J. Barber II of Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro, North Carolina, last week on her “You and Me Both with Hillary Clinton” podcast.

“You know, to say that Jesus and justice are the same thing seems to me to be so obvious. I mean, how can you be a Bible reading person, a church attending person, and not understand how profoundly true that simple phrase really is,” Clinton said to Barber before asking him how as a veteran pastor and activist he is “trying to open up people's minds and hearts to understand what Christianity should mean and what should be expected of us who claim to be followers of Jesus.”

Barber explained that people need to first admit “from at least Western culture and American culture” that "the genocide of First Nations people and the enslavement of African Americans," along with the exclusion and oppression of women, “affected and infected theology in a bad way.”

“One of my professors said, ‘To be a Christian’ — to be born again, sprinkle whatever you call it — ‘and to claim the Holy Spirit, is to have a quarrel with the world's systems of injustice.’ And if whatever you claim you have doesn't produce a quarrel with injustice, then your claim of it being the Spirit with the big S is suspect,” Barber said.

It was at this point that Clinton raised the 'wedding' of Christianity to one political party."  

['Scuse me, Hill, but are you 100% sure Jesus Christ is wed to the... GOP? Jesus is a...'Publican? 
No, hon, uh-uh.
He called publicans vipers, Hill. <wink>
I'm talking EXTREMELY so.
I mean, look at those Nicolaitans...]

I don't know Rev. Dr. Pastor Bishop Barber, but I've read quite a bit about him.

Barber will receive $625,000 over 5 years as a recipient of the 2018 MacArthur Foundation “Genius Grant.”
He can use the money as he desires.

Barber has been arrested at least 15 times.

In 2019, after a jury found him to be guilty of second-degree trespass, he officially became a convicted criminal. 

His arrests came because of his "social injustice/moral awakening protests".

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II has an estimated net worth of $6,369,371. 

But his NET wort in 2020 is listed at 'only' $2 Million. 

Umm, that scarf DID say "JESUS WAS A POOR MAN", didn't it?
One might think any pastor heeded the words of the FOUNDER on riches and the poor. 

I mean "If thou wilt be perfect"...

It was that 'Widow's Mite' story that convinced me there's no room for rich church leaders when any in their community are going hungry...personal opinion. FEED THE SHEEP.

The Rev gets a LOT of press.

Most of it is good press.

Word to the wise, Pastor...never, NEVER cross Hillary.

But then, you obviously know that since you didn't correct her at all.
Well played, Rev, well played!

Speaking of JUDGES...Remember when that judge scared Hillary back in 2016?

U.S. appeals court revives Clinton email suit

Looks like her team finally made that all go away.

Let's hope that Hilly & Team don't decide Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch is suicidal.

"As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton hid her government emails, then stole them when she left office. Her lawyers unilaterally determined what would be returned later. The State Department knew this occurred but tried to game a federal trial court into shutting down Judicial Watch’s FOIA lawsuit before Clinton’s scheme became public. In response, the trial court rightly ordered Clinton to testify about the reasons for her actions and their impact on the public’s right to know. That this was too much for the DC Circuit is a miscarriage of justice.

In addition to this political decision, the Justice and State Departments’ continuing efforts to avoid getting to the bottom of Clinton’s email misconduct are a scandal. President Trump should hold Secretary Pompeo and Attorney General Barr accountable for their failures of leadership."  --Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch

Barr and Durham are both playing for the BLUE team. 
Pompeo...who knows?
They'll protect their own at any cost. 

Anyway, if you don't think math is racist and Hillary is a fine JUDGE of everybody BUT Hillary, you're just not properly "WOKE", nor quite yet ashamed enough of yourselves. 

Math is racist, Christians are unbalanced bigots who run around alienating people, and being judgmental.
Being judgmental is reserved for Democrats, but especially for Hillary.

Got it?  


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