
Tuesday, September 29, 2020


It wasn't 'Proud Boys' creating mayhem in Portland last weekend, it was BLM, as usual.

The REUTERS transcript for this video is posted below in my end notes**.

None Dare Call it Evil

The violent rioters make no effort to hide their evil acts. Indeed, they delight in them, making no apologies to those they harm. Their "shock-and-awe" INTENTIONAL, CRIMINAL actions are way beyond the limit of human decency.

Consider the video of the two police officers in Los Angeles who were both shot in the head, from behind, by a cowardly individual who fled the scene. As the ambulance rushing them to medical aid arrived at the hospital, protesters tried to block the way, crying out: “We hope they fu__ing die!”

Why is it that none dare call this evil?

Such criminal acts are multiplying amid the so-called "unrest".
These acts are NOT "protests", they're murder, and they're planned murders. 
They're planned acts by dedicated mobs intent on destruction of lives, property and moral values.

Social media has embedded in our minds scenes of unspeakable brutality that none would think possible even a short year ago.

Countless videos show rabid terrorist violence against individuals who did no more than show up at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Night after night, rioters in Portland throw rocks, bricks, fireworks, other explosive objects, and containers full of feces and urine at police who try to keep order. They deliberately aim to blind officers with lasers. They burn American flags and Bibles. Arsonists are setting fires to car lots, government buildings, city streets, homes, churches, destroying property and endangering lives everywhere they go.

BLM mob members have shot Black teenagers, beaten priests, molested a street preacher, beaten American veterans, beaten and raped women, beaten and hanged innocent animals, shot at passing vehicles, brutally assaulted shop owners, passersby, the disabled, even very young children and FILMED these things to present them on social media.

These are all undeniably evil acts. 

There is videotaped evidence of these CRIMES, yet government officials refuse to press charges and instead release any arrested criminals.

None dare call it evil.

Probably 99% of those supporting BLM have no idea what it REALLY stands for.
How many have bothered to go to the BLM website and read their 'credo'?
In their willful ignorance, supporters have become ignorant pawns in the RACE GAME that BLM has elected to play.

BLM’s principal founders have admitted they seek 'guidance' from Karl Marx, Mao Zedong and Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro. One 'founder' talks of the “psychosis of whiteness.”

Ms. Cullors, whose active Twitter page is encouraging unrest in Portland, Oregon, has been open about her admiration of Marxism.

“We actually do have an ideological frame,” she said on The Real News Network. “Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on sort of ideological theories.”

Ms. Cullors’ constant mentor, she says, is longtime community organizer Eric Mann, now 77, a leader of the Weathermen terrorist group in the late 1960s. Early in life he was sentenced to two years in prison after being arrested on attempted murder and anarchy charges.

“I meet and build with Eric Mann, who started the Strategy Center and who takes me under his wing. Eric is older and white and fearlessly anti-racist,” Ms. Cullors writes.

On NPR in 2018, Cullors referred to the “psychosis of whiteness”: 
“The reality is if you live in this country, if you’re born and raised as a white person, you most definitely are racist. And you have to contend with that. And I think Black Lives Matter puts it in people’s face to deal with not only the ways in which they benefit from whiteness and white supremacy but deal with the ways in which Black people actually must be free. And I think that’s actually hard to contend with.”

She also told The Real News Network, “The U.S. is very clever at turning other groups white and making them white. We’ve seen that throughout history … When white power structure is threatened, they figured out a way [to] make groups white.”

Few would accuse Cullors of being articulate, but who asked her to explain that statement? 
Was she referring to MLK's civil rights movement, the NAACP, politicians like Barack Obama, or...whom? 
Who was "made white" and how was that done? 
How can she state that we have a "white power structure" when we have so many Blacks in seats of power? 
Does one "become white" by NOT rioting, looting, trying to destroy America? 

BLM leaders say they want capitalism abolished.



"Welcome to the Black Lives Matter Official Store! Shop online for Black Lives Matter merchandise, t-shirts, clothing, apparel, posters and accessories."

A coffee mug is $20, a face mask is $15. 
Can inner city families afford such prices? 
Can a struggling family outfit all its members with $40 t-shirts or $60 hoodies? 


BLM’s Philadelphia leader wants the police department gone and prisons emptied in five years. Release all convicted Black felons. Arrest NO Blacks. 

Sixty years since the civil rights era began, BLM says that America is still a place where THE STATE routinely oppresses Blacks, that the whole world seeks their “demise”, and, the group alleges, anyone who adheres to Christian values is the most racist of all.

They turn a blind eye to the FACTS that we had a BLACK President for 8 years, have BLACKS in some of the highest offices in federal, state and local governments, that BLACKS own many of those businesses they're burning and robbing, that BLACKS are among those cops they say they hate, that their own BLM 'founders' are becoming some of the RICHEST people in America today.

Remember, two of the three founders are self-described “trained Marxists.”

Co-founder Patrisse Cullors told Cosmo that Assata Shakur is one of the leaders who inspired her. Shakur’s real name is Joanne Chesimard and she is wanted by the FBI as a “domestic terrorist” for murdering a police officer, escaping prison, and hiding out in Cuba for decades.

One of the board of directors for the leftist group 'Thousand Currents', which handles donations to Black Lives Matter, is a convicted terrorist 
Susan Rosenberg, was pardoned by President Bill Clinton.

Thousand Currents is funded by many left-leaning "WHITE ELITIST" institutional donors, which include the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, the Wallace Global Fund, the NoVo Foundation, and the Libra Foundation.
Peter Buffett, son of left-of-center philanthropist Warren Buffett, and his wife Jennifer run the NoVo Foundation.

In 2016, representatives of the BLM movement approached Thousand Currents for fiscal management and administrative assistance. This partnership led to a fiscal sponsorship agreement that launched the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation.

That BLM has such a "glaringly White" FINANCIAL MANAGER to handle all those donations proves that they DON'T live their espoused beliefs.

They're capitalist to the bone and are being helped along by a large group of "white supremacists", as defined by BLM founders. 

We can add HYPOCRITES to the many labels BLM should wear.

A video now in circulation shows two founders of BLM discussing how they call on "spirits" of the dead and of their ancestors, to honor them and to invoke their help, CNS News reported. The discussion took place between BLM co-founder Patrisse Cullors and BLM-Los Angeles chapter co-founder Melina Abdullah on June 13.

Abdullah discusses how the two of them have “become very intimate with the spirits we call on regularly,” and Cullors talks about how using a hashtag for BLM is “almost resurrecting a spirit so that it can work through us.”
“We’re invoking” our ancestors, states Abdullah.
"You know, I laugh a lot with Wakiesha [Wilson]. You know? And I didn’t meet her in her body.”
[Wakiesha Wilson was a black woman who suffered from bi-polar disorder and reportedly hanged herself while in LAPD custody.]

Cullors then explains how the hashtags such as #SayHerName and #BLM are a means to honor the dead and invoke them.

Hebah Farrag, described a BLM-Los Angeles protest outside the home of Mayor Eric Garcetti that occurred on June 2, 2020.
"As each name is recited, Dr. Abdullah poured libations on the ground as the group of over 100 chanted ‘Asé,’ [Amen] a Yoruba term often used by practitioners of Ifa, a faith and divination system that originated in West Africa,” wrote Farrag. “This ritual, Dr. Abdullah explained, is a form of worship.”

The Yoruba religion of Ifa is a system of spiritual divination that is practiced in West Africa, the Canary Islands, and in South America. It is also practiced in the United States. 

Sacrifice is a fundamental part of Ifa and elements of the system are found in Voodoo and Santeria.

“Victims and materials of sacrifice vary from one circumstance to another and from one divinity to another,” according to J. Omosade Awolalu, with the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, in an article for the Journal of Religion of Africa.

But, on the whole, things offered are those which are used by the human beings in their day-to-day life, ranging from the smallest living and non-living things to the biggest domestic animals, like the cow; and, in some very special circumstances, human beings are offered,” he states.

That BLM-Los Angeles website lists 10 “teams” whose aims include bringing down President Trump (“Sacred Resistance”) and inserting BLM ideology into public education (“Youth Vanguard”).

“The Sacred Resistance Team was built following the installation of the 45th President of the United States in 2017, recognizing that the toppling of the White-supremacist patriarchal-heteronormative-capitalism that he embodied requires significant Spiritual work,” the website says.


The website Mashable reports that witch’s covens are actively engaged in helping BLM by 'hexing' police, which they accuse of brutality. They also cast spells asking protection for protesters confronting the police. The hashtag #witchesforblm teaches how to cast these spells and hexes. The hashtag garnered 10 million views on the TikTok app. Instagram’s Magic Resistance promotes a similar mix of paganism and politics.
BLM has friends in strange places.

The three self-proclaimed feminists — Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Opal Tometi and Alicia Garza — sparked the BLM movement with three simple words on Facebook the day in July 2013 when a Florida jury acquitted George Zimmerman of murder.

A year later, a white police officer’s killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and ensuing protests, shot BLM to new prominence.


Six years later, the May 25 death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis police custody made BLM into a "national movement". 

The liberal media and the Democratic Party offer little, if any, criticism of the months and years of violence, destruction, looting, murders that follow BLM "protesters".


A quick fact check shows that Trump is mostly correct. One ranking says the top 20 most dangerous cities are run by 18 Democrat mayors and two mayors who were elected in "nonpartisan" races. 

Look at the reactions of the DEMOCRAT mayors in New York, Chicago, Seattle, Portland...

BTW, in Kenosha, Wisconsin, site of the most recent major mayhem by BLM, neither John Antaramian, the mayor of Kenosha, nor Jim Kreuser, the county executive, responded to requests by the New York Times for comment. Their political positions are nonpartisan, but both men previously served in the State Assembly as Democrats, as NYT reported.

Don Biehn, 62, owner of a Kenosha flooring company, was standing in line at a gun store on Tuesday afternoon. He said that he had never bought a pistol before, but that he had a business to protect. A former county board supervisor, Mr. Biehn said he had been calling county and state officials for days, trying to explain how grave the situation was.

“There’s people running all over with guns — it’s like some Wild West town,” Mr. Biehn said. “We are just waiting here like sitting ducks waiting to get picked off.”

He added: “It’s chaos — everybody is afraid.”


BLM openly and proudly supports the destruction of "White-run America", and if you’ve endorsed it, understand that the 'founders' are laughing all the way to the bank.

“Black lives can’t matter under capitalism,” Ms. Garza told SF Weekly in 2015. “They’re like oil and water.”

Ms. Cullors, whose active Twitter page is encouraging unrest in Portland, Oregon, has been open about her admiration of Marxism.

“We actually do have an ideological frame,” she said on The Real News Network. “Myself and Alicia in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists. We are super-versed on sort of ideological theories.”

Investigative reporter and lecturer James Bovard wrote in USA Today in 2018: “Marxism in practice didn’t work out so well. Communist regimes produced the greatest ideological carnage in human history, killing more than a hundred million people in the last century."


Greater New York Black Lives Matter president Hawk Newsome warned that “if this country doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.” He claimed it “a matter of interpretation” whether he was speaking “figuratively” or “literally.”

BLM activist Shaun King wants symbols of our Christian religion eradicated.

“Yes I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” he tweeted. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been.”

BLM hasn’t denounced him. And any who are financially supporting BLM are enabling him, just as Arafat and the PLO were enabled to send suicide bombers out against the world by their financial donors. 

Amazon, Netflix, GoFundMe, Chick-fil-A — all corporations sending millions and tripping over themselves to be one with the crowd — do any of them know how to read or care to read on the BLM websites? 

They should be held legally accountable for the destruction and deaths caused by the BLM riots and looting, given it’s made possible by the money they’ve provided.

And where DOES all that money, millions of dollars every month, go?

NOT to the Black communities who need it.
 NOT to Black families who need help.
 NOT to teach Black youth how to avoid becoming another statistic in the penal system.

Black Lives Matter AWOL as violence claims hundreds of Black victims
“More people have been shot and killed in Chicago at this point in 2020 than in 2019, despite two months of stay-at-home directives,” said Los Angeles radio host Larry Elder in an email. “Where is Black Lives Matter when you need them?”

Other Black commentators have taken notice. 
Wilfred Reilly, professor at Kentucky State University, a historically black college, tweeted that the “near-refusal of BLM to discuss Black-on-Black crime is one of the weirdest disconnects in politics.”

“If Black lives truly matter to Black Lives Matter incorporated, and the left in general, they would be marching in Chicago, St. Louis, Baltimore, Atlanta or any of these other cities with unacceptably high rates of violent crime and murder,” said Ken Blackwell, former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Human Rights Commission under President George H.W. Bush.  
Mr. Blackwell, a Black Republican who previously served as mayor of Cincinnati and Ohio state treasurer, noted that high Black-on-Black crime has long plagued urban areas, but it’s an “inconvenient truth” for progressive groups like Black Lives Matter as well as the Democrats who control most major cities.

“The problem is that Black Lives Matter incorporated would have to start dealing with the fact that many of the mayors and police chiefs in these cities are Black,” Mr. Blackwell said. “Their officers are representatives of the communities they serve.”

If Black Lives Matter went after the problem of Black violence, he said, “this advancement of this false narrative of problematic, systemic racism in police departments across the country would pale, and you would start having to hold accountable those folks that are in charge of those cities.

Former New York Police Department Commissioner Bernard Kerik contrasted the horrific toll from the deadly Fourth of July holiday weekend with the crickets from Black Lives Matter.

“If Black lives matter, really mattered to Black Lives Matter, the organization — you had close to 80 people shot and 14 dead in Chicago,” Mr. Kerik said on Fox News. “We had 44 shot, six dead in New York; 28 shot and four dead in Atlanta. Twenty shot, three dead in Cleveland.”

In New York City, where city officials recently agreed to slash $1 billion from the $6 billion police budget, shootings were up 130% from the previous June and the murder rate rose by 30%, according to NYPD figures released Monday.

And yet, “I don’t see no marches there,” Mr. Kerik said. “I don’t see no protests. I don’t see no screaming and yelling. I don’t see anything from Black Lives Matter.”

Given the lack of a BLM spokesperson, supporters such as CNN’s Don Lemon have been left to field questions as to why the movement has yet to agitate for young Black murder victims such as Secoriea Turner, 8; Royta De’Marco Giles, 8; Natalia Wallace, 7; or Davon McNeal, 11.

Nobody disputes that most crime is intraracial — 81% of White murder victims were killed by other Whites, and 89% of Black victims were killed by Blacks in 2015 — but critics have argued that any movement calling itself Black Lives Matter should care about all Black victims, not just the smaller percentage killed by police.

“When you look at the parents of these little kids who are saying, ‘Hey, man, why aren’t they speaking up for me, too?’ ” actor Terry Crews said. “It’s about who is controlling the narrative. It’s got to be about all Black lives matter. Black people need to hold other Black people accountable.”

Candace Owens delivered the same message in her video on why she doesn't support BLM. 

At 01:30, she states, "Shelby Steele said that the black community is unique from other communities our our culture is because we are the only community that caters to the bottom denominator of our society.
Now let me explain what that means.
It means to say that not every black American is a criminal, not every black American is committing crimes but we are unique in that we are the only people that fight and scream and demand support and justice for the people in our community that are up to no good." 

In a live interview in July, 2019, Ms. Owens stated that "
Victimhood has become a mental plague on black America...".

For opening this dialogue about making martyrs out of lawbreakers, about victimhood, Ms. Owens has been demeaned by many in the black community and almost 'crucified' in the mainstream media that dared to shame in print what she had to say. 

A distraught Secoriya Williamson, the father of Secoriea Turner, drove home that point after the death of his daughter, who was killed by gunfire in a confrontation with "protesters" who had camped out at the Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed last month by an Atlanta officer.

“They say Black lives matter. You killed your own this time,” Mr. Williamson said at a press conference. “You killed my baby because she [was in a car that] crossed a barrier and made a U-turn? She’s a child. She didn’t do nothing to nobody.”

“The 'BlackLivesMatter' movement is focused on the wrong targets, to the detriment of blacks who would like to see real change,” past Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson wrote in an article for USA Today on August 24, 2015.

Mr. Carson said that many African-Americans share his view, but that they feel uncomfortable speaking out.

Back before BLM, men like Morgan Freeman had no problem speaking out. 

"How do we solve this race issue...?"
"Stop talking about it."



Other Black celebrities disagree with BLM, like 'L'il Wayne', who went on Nightline and said he didn’t feel any attachment to Black Lives Matter at all.

Spike Lee said on CNN, “And then when it comes to young brothers killing themselves, then mum’s the word. No one’s saying nothing? It’s got to be both ends.” He continued, saying that "We as a people can’t be blind.”

'Fetty Wap' took to Twitter to talk about his thoughts on the movement. “My kids are Mixed … #AllLivesMatter,” he tweeted.

The actress Stacey Dash has been very outspoken about her political opinions and her thoughts on race. So it’s not surprising that she is one of the few celebrities who took a hard stance against the movement. “The truth is this: The Black Lives Matter crowd invites racism and violence …” she wrote for Patheos. “Especially against the very people who risk their lives everyday to protect us. I’m glad that Hasselbeck had the guts to call them out.”

The retired basketball player Charles Barkley has spoken out against the movement for calling out cops and focusing on the fact that cops guilty of police brutality aren’t usually held accountable by the law. He thinks there are problems from the black community as well, according to USA Today.
"As I’ve said before, and some people criticized me. I told them to kiss my a** because I can. We in the black community, we need the cops. Cops are important. They’re very significant. We as black people gotta do a better job of policing ourselves. The cops have made some mistakes — I think everybody has to admit that. But we just can’t as black people, every time something goes wrong, say it’s the cops’ fault. We have done some damage to our own neighborhood, and we’ve got to do better in that aspect."

"ALL LIVES MATTER! Especially the alligator closest to the boat which is black lives.
Unfollow me I do. Not. Care. It’s time to transcend."
— actor Columbus Short (@ColumbusShort1) July 8, 2016

The former co-host of The View, Raven-Symone is also a fan of the All Lives Matter campaign. “I understand what the ‘Black Lives Matter’ hashtag means,” she said on the show. “It came in conjunction with everything that was going on with the police in Ferguson. You have to be sensitive in that statement, but he is right, all lives matter … I think you have to open yourself up. It should be all lives matter.”

Denzel Washington: "Don’t ‘blame the system’ for black incarceration, ‘it starts at home."
"It's Not Color, It's Culture."

In late August, 2015, African-American US Navy veteran Peggy Hubbard posted a video on her Facebook page, criticizing the BLM movement. Watched by over 8 million people, the video recounted recent shootings that have caused concern, including the death of 9-year-old Jamyla Bolden who was killed at home while doing her homework.

“You black people, my black people, you are the most violent [people] I have ever seen in my life. A little girl is dead. You say black lives matter? Her life mattered. Her dreams mattered. Her future mattered," says Hubbard in the video.

A few days later, Ms. Hubbard posted a second video, reiterating her concerns about BLM. “This is not a race issue. It never has been a racial issue.... This is about accountability and responsibility,” she said. “Black lives matter, white lives matter, Asian lives matter, Hispanic lives matter, Lithuanian lives matter, Russian lives matter, life in general matters ... but it’s never gonna get better until we admit that we have a problem in our community.”

Hubbard goes on to accuse BLM of focusing on white-on-black racism, particularly in the form of police brutality, instead of focusing on the black-on-black violence that afflicts some black communities.

“If anyone is surprised by Hubbard’s emergence, or that there are like-minded black people who are encouraging her, it is only because large swaths of the media cover the black community as if conservative voices like hers don’t even exist,” wrote Conor Friedersdorf in The Atlantic

Another conservative voice, Johnathan Gentry, black minister at West Angeles Church of God in Christ, cited BLM as “superficial, shallow” in a televised interview with Fox News. “Why are you not cleaning up your own community if black lives matter?” he questioned, saying BLM is “nowhere to be found in their own communities.”   

African-American US Marine Corps veteran Michael Whaley launched the ‘All Lives Matter’ campaign, garnering support from others across the country. “Michael, you have restored my faith in people. You are doing what SO MANY are afraid to do. You’re standing up to your whole race,” a supporter posted on the campaign’s website.

In an attempt to counter the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag that has permeated social media, Whaley has started #‎ColorBlind‬, hoping to move away from a focus on race and skin color. Brutality and violence exist, Whaley says. Instead of highlighting race, why not unify in an effort to reduce violence and improve justice for all?


When police become targets: Obama calls ambushes 'an affront to civil society'

No matter who speaks out against BLM, they're damned by both the fear-mongering media and the BLM supporters. 
ALL that money keeps pouring in, never mind that it seems to be going mainly to the greedy 'founders', the inner circle of the 'organization' known as BLM, just as all the money donated to the PLO went to its "leaders" and never helped the people of Gaza or the West Bank rid themselves of the PLO which NEVER did anything of value FOR THE PEOPLE.
The "leaders" lived in luxury while the people lived in squalor.
It's the same today with HAMAS and the "Palestinian Authority", and it's the same set-up in the BLM scam.

The "leaders" call for "warriors" while they themselves avoid the riots, the arson, the looting, the scenes of shootings and beatings of teens, women, the elderly.
Like the PLO, BLM 'founders' are far removed from the dangers they incite their followers to partake in.

What's next for BLM...a call for SUICIDE BOMBERS?

Some sort of AMERICAN JIHAD against Christianity, against any form of a judicial system and against all non-Black races, against those of their own community like Freeman, Owens, Carson, Sowell, Ellis...and Martin Luther King, Jr, who spoke out often against violence?

Black Lives Matter doesn’t hide its radical positions. They are listed right on its website. Who they are and what they believe — it’s right there, in the open.

Are their beliefs yours too?

IF you’re endorsing BLM, I dare you to urge your shareholders and customers to go read what’s on that BLM website.

“Two of three Black Lives Matter 'founders' identify as queer,” according to ABC News. The BLM positions reflect that, claiming to “foster a queer‐affirming network” and opposing “the tight grip of hetero-normative thinking.” The organization vows to “do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege.”

That’s all just an anti-family agenda.
NOT ALL LGBTQ organizations damn those who are 'straight' or Christian.

But BLM gets even more specific: “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.”
They want “extended families and ‘villages’” to raise your children. It takes a village, not parents.

This makes it clear that if we don't subscribe to THEIR agenda, we're RACISTS.
If we aren't an LGBTQ family, we're RACISTS.
If we believe that Jesus and His mother were White, we're RACISTS.

And they DARED people to post that "ALL LIVES MATTER"!

ANY BLACKS who don't subscribe to the BLM agenda are called names by BLM "leaders" that Whites aren't supposed to even whisper... "Uncle Toms", "house-ni__ers", and worse.

The son of Muhammad Ali said his father would not agree with Black Lives Matter, referring to the cause as "racist" and its members as "devils".

Many Black leaders reject the "slavery excuse" used by BLM so often. 
Economist Thomas Sowell writes: "More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States." This includes the huge role played by Arab-Muslim slavers."

Doesn't matter, shrieks the Left.
You’re either for BLM or against it—and if you’re against it, you’re a racist. You will either support BLM publicly and enthusiastically, or you will be harassed, shunned, and shamed out of mainstream America. If you dare to speak a word against BLM, you will be targeted, mobbed, and probably fired.

That’s the message coming through loud and clear, not just from protesters but from corporations and institutions desperate to seem woke enough to escape the wrath of the BLM movement.

The only thing that can protect you from the BLM movement’s punitive rage is fealty. Bend the knee, and you might be spared. Then again, you might not.

The list of people who have lost their jobs or been suspended for criticizing or even questioning the BLM movement is long—and growing daily. Most prominent on the list is erstwhile New York Times opinion page editor James Bennet, who “resigned” under pressure from woke NYT staffers after he ran an op-ed by Republican Sen. Tom Cotton that made the uncontroversial case that the U.S. military should be deployed if police can’t get riots under control.

Then there was Stan Wischnowski, top editor at the Philadelphia Inquirer, forced to resign over a headline of an architecture column that read, “Buildings Matter, Too,” which ran after scores of buildings in downtown Philly had been destroyed by rioters.

Bon Appétit editor-in-chief Adam Rapoport stepped down Monday after a piece he published genuflecting to BLM was deemed insufficient by staffers who claim there’s a discriminatory culture at the magazine. Also, someone posted a 13-year-old photo of Rappaport in a Halloween costume that some people thought was offensive.

Claudia Eller, editor-in-chief at Variety, was forced to take administrative leave after she got into a Twitter spat with a woman of South Asian descent who thought a piece Eller wrote lamenting the lack of diversity at the magazine wasn’t obsequious enough.

On and on it goes. NBA announcer Grant Napear was fired from his sports talk radio program and resigned as the Sacramento Kings announcer after tweeting “all lives matter.” A professor at UCLA was placed on leave after refusing to cancel a final exam following the death of George Floyd. A reporter in Wales was forced to step down as Wales Book of the Year Judge after complaining that a BLM protest violated the government’s social distancing rules.

A cast member for MTV’s reality competition series “The Challenge” was fired after writing “people die every f–king day” in response to an Instagram comment about George Floyd. Professional soccer player Aleksander Katai was “released” by the LA Galaxy not for anything he wrote or said, but because his wife criticized BLM on Instagram. A former Canadian cabinet minister lost three jobs after saying on television that he didn’t think Canada was a racist country.

That’s just a partial list.

BLM Isn’t Interested In Free Speech, It Wants Power

This isn’t an evolutionary movement but a revolutionary one. It doesn’t draw on our tradition of constitutionalism but on Marxism. Its model isn’t the American Revolution but the French Revolution—hence the purges, which for now are confined to the workplace.

It’s fair to say the movement’s power and influence are based on ideological purges. Exposing supposed racists is its modus operandi, and what began on campus has now percolated through into the mainstream of American life.

The lesson in all of this is that the BLM movement is above all interested in power. It seeks to seize power in part by monopolizing the definition of racism and wielding accusations of racism against anyone who doesn’t fall in line with its radical policy agenda.

That means you’re a racist if you don’t support BLM—and even if you do, you might be deemed a racist anyway. And in that case, you’re fired.
The BLM’s website proudly proclaims “this is the revolution.”

And that’s precisely what this is — a revolution.

These are Marxists following the Maoist playbook in China during the late ’60s and early ’70s. The Maoist revolutionaries vandalized temples, tore down statues, and destroyed artifacts. The opposition was marched to 're-education camps'.

The Tibet Journal detailed the account of one lama who saw Marxism up close. The account described how Chinese Marxists “put themselves into a position of monopolizing truth and how it is sought.”

That is terrifyingly similar to what we are experiencing now.

It is not the alleged symbols of racism that Black Lives Matter wants destroyed.

It's America.

BLM is looking to replace a system that they say oppresses Blacks with one that oppresses everyone who is NOT Black and doesn't hold to the BLM agenda. Blacks who disagree with BLM are called "NOT Black" and much worse, despised by BLM and its supporters.


16 September 2020

Property Claim Services, a company that tracks insurance claims filed due to riots and the like, found that the left-wing riots that occurred between May 26 and June 8 of this year could reach $2 billion in insurance claims.

If you add up the insurance cost in 2020 dollars for all six major American riots during the turbulent 1960s, the total is a little shy of $1.2 billion — which means the terrorists in Antifa and Black Lives Matter caused more mayhem and property damage in a little over a week than this country saw throughout all of the 1960s.

That astronomical number isn’t estimating total damage, just the damage that’s insured. So while the number is not helpful in estimating the total damage, it is still a good apples-to-apples comparison with past riots, since all the calculations, 1960s and now, are based on insurance claims.

"If Trump wins re-election in November, you ain’t seen nothing yet," mainstream media warns day after day.
"The rioting and terrorism will be off the charts," they promise in one fear-mongering article after another.

The national media are not even being subtle in threatening more riots if Joe Biden loses:

The far-left Atlantic published last week that...
"A loss by Joe Biden under these circumstances is the worst case not because Trump will destroy America (he can’t), but because it is the outcome most likely to undermine faith in democracy, resulting in more of the social unrest and street battles that cities including Portland, Oregon, and Seattle have seen in recent months. For this reason, strictly law-and-order Republicans who have responded in dismay to scenes of rioting and looting have an interest in Biden winning—even if they could never bring themselves to vote for him."

Here’s another:

"A landslide for Joe Biden resulted in a relatively orderly transfer of power. Every other scenario we looked at involved street-level violence and political crisis."

That unveiled threat came from the ultra far-left Washington Post at the beginning of the month.

If Trump wins, the marauders will maraud like nothing we have ever before seen, and they will do so with the full support of the establishment media and the Democrats. 

How do we know that? 
Because they are doing so now with the full support of the establishment media and Democrats.

If Biden wins, the Democrats, the media, and their Brownshirts in Antifa and Black Lives Matter will have had their terrorism validated.

So, either way…

Brace yourselves.

Prepare yourselves.

Prepare yourselves before it’s too late to prepare yourselves.

We have never lived in a country where political violence has been normalized and encouraged.

We do now.

Do read "BLM Becomes the PLO" By KEVIN D. WILLIAMSON September 27, 2020.

He wrote...
"The United States is not going to be governed by boutique radicalism and mob violence."

[If you strap explosives onto children and send them off to blow up anyone, your priorities go right to the bottom of my global humanitarian to-do list.
The PLO wanted a palestinian state? The hell they did! They wanted money and wanted it for themselves alone.
Some may say that BLM isn’t quite the PLO — not yet — but the BLM terrorists that are burning, looting, and murdering a widening path through American cities is brutalizing its way to get there.] 

Williamson continued: 
"In June, 54 percent of the few Americans 'polled' told pollsters they approved of the George Floyd protests, but as the body count of the “mostly peaceful protests” climbed throughout the summer, that support has declined to barely over a third, according to the Associated Press.

Americans of all political stripes were shocked and repulsed by the treatment of George Floyd, and nearly 70 percent of them said in June that they believe the George Floyd episode indicates a bigger and deeper problem with American law enforcement.

As recently as June, a majority of Republicans supported the George Floyd protests.

Not now.

This represents a truly impressive display of political incompetence on the part of Black Lives Matter and its allies. If you came to the American public with an argument that cities such as Louisville and Philadelphia are poorly governed, that this poor governance imposes especially terrible costs on African Americans, that the municipal incompetence naturally extends to police work, and that sweeping reform is called for, you would get a great deal of buy-in from both sides of the aisle. Republicans don’t need a whole lot of convincing that Chicago is a flying circus...

In truth, the Left isn’t especially interested in police reform. If they cared about police reform, progressives would be offering actual halfway serious proposals for police reform, which have been notably few and far between over these past months, drowned out by unserious and irresponsible rhetoric about abolishing city police departments.

The police are a special problem for the Left in that they represent an incompatibility between the Left’s post-1960s Bill Ayers–style radicalism and the realpolitik that recognizes police as unionized municipal employees and hence natural constituents of the Democratic Party.

The scandal of urban America is a stumbling-block for Democrats, for the obvious reason that this is pretty much exclusively their show and has been for generations.

Louisville, currently convulsed by the death of Breonna Taylor at the hands of police, hasn’t elected a Republican mayor since Lyndon Johnson was in the White House.


Portions of American cities were ceded to armed militias over the summer, not by Republican authorities accommodating right-wing radicals descending from the hills of Idaho but by the powers that be in impeccably progressive Seattle inviting a left-wing occupation force to set up shop in a corner of that declining city, where they promptly set about shooting a few children.

Because Democrats run the most troubled cities, they are desperate to either change the subject from the performance of the municipal agencies in Minneapolis, Louisville, San Francisco, etc., to something more general and more politically malleable, hence the vapid, empty talk about “white privilege” and “systemic racism.”

It’s bullsh**, and everybody knows it’s bullsh**.

Even the president of Princeton more or less admitted his bullsh** was bullsh** when the Trump administration had the uncharacteristic wit to actually call him on said bullsh** and threaten a civil-rights investigation into the school after he denounced its “systemic racism.”
A vague problem vaguely related to the vaguely racist actions of vaguely identified vaguely Republican people elsewhere is a much more comfortable discussion for the powers that be in Minneapolis than the question of how Minneapolis is run, who runs it, how they run it, who benefits from that, and who pays the worst social costs.

One suspects that Democrats in such cities actually prefer the riots and arson to having that uncomfortable discussion.

Remember when the Minneapolis city council vowed to defund the police department? More bullsh**, as the New York Times reports. Of course they never meant a word of it — they just feel obliged to make certain noises with their faces and perform histrionic pantomime of moral seriousness.

We see this kind of thing all the time. San Francisco doesn’t need to abolish capitalism or eliminate “inequality” to alleviate its affordable-housing problem, but it does need to reform its zoning and land-use laws — something that Nancy Pelosi’s rich San Francisco friends have been fighting tooth and talon for decades. And so San Francisco pretends that San Francisco’s problems are not of San Francisco’s making, that the problem is “white privilege” or some other comfortable abstraction.

BLM could be using the Democratic Party to pursue a reform agenda; instead, the Democratic Party is using BLM to prevent the pursuit of a reform agenda. It’s always the same question: Who, whom?

Because we have 50 states and a great deal of genuine diversity within and between our communities, a federal system of government with checks and balances, and three rivalrous branches of government, it takes a considerable degree of political consensus to get anything very important done in the United States. That is a benefit, not a defect — it protects our liberties and the rights of minorities from the factional passions of temporary majorities. 

The tragedy of the months following the death of George Floyd is that a real consensus for police reform, and urban reform more broadly, could have been built.
Instead, we got riots and arson, and roving bands of quasi-Maoist bullies conducting impromptu struggle sessions at Washington sidewalk bistros and alfresco restaurant seating in Dallas, along with a lot of outmoded Marxist rubbish about the secret white-supremacist roots of rhyming poetry, off-Broadway theater, and traffic laws.

You want to improve police practices and governance in American cities? I’m your huckleberry, and a great many conservatives are ready to work toward that goal.

You want to smash a few plates of kale-and-quinoa salad, smash windows, and smash capitalism? Then we don’t really have anything to talk about, because you are ridiculous and irresponsible children. 

The United States is not going to be governed by boutique radicalism and mob violence. We don’t negotiate with terrorists, and we don’t negotiate with bullies — or cooperate with them.

BLM is pursuing a losing strategy, which is why it is losing support and setting itself up to lose entirely.

[KEVIN D. WILLIAMSON is the roving correspondent for National Review and the author of THE SMALLEST MINORITY: INDEPENDENT THINKING IN AN AGE OF MOB POLITICS.]

In his famous dystopian fiction, 1984, George Orwell outlined the typical manner in which revolutions are carried out. Particularly Orwell outlined that in order for a revolution to be, “successful” it must feature the complete degradation and impoverishment of the middle class so that the welfare class, and subsequently the government, might continue to grow in size and power.

What gave Orwell this idea? History. The simple fact is that George Orwell had only to crack open a history book to understand this basic fact of leftist revolutions throughout history. While the events depicted in 1984 are frightening enough for a work of fiction, even more horrifying is the fact that they are currently playing out within the United States

While BLM claims to stand for the African-American community, their words show that they actually stand only for an extreme fringe which completely rejects all that famous leaders such as Martin Luther King stood for.

King, and other Civil Rights Leaders of old, understood that there was a growing threat in the 1960s of a new breed of slavery being born; welfare slavery, slavery to big government.

King, through his speeches, attempted to show African-Americans the importance of becoming self-reliant and developing a strong work ethic that they might never again fall into the bondage of slavery.
Many young African-Americans find themselves becoming 'useful idiots' for the radical left and, due to having bought into the victim’s mentality that King warned about, sincerely believe they are fighting against a, “racist” system, which in actuality does not exist.

According to Action Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty,, the founding principles of BLM include a guaranteed minimum income for all Black people, free health care, free schooling, free food, free real estate, gender reassignment surgery, free abortion (already disproportionately high among African-American women, “27.1 per 1,000 women compared with 10 per 1,000 for white women,” but apparently unborn Black lives don’t matter to BLM).

Washington, D.C.’s local BLM chapter has even called for “no new jails” (which would likely guarantee an increase in crime, much of it perpetrated in Black communities — see the District’s crime stats, see Chicago, see Los Angeles). BLM also demands reparations and wants to create a “global liberation movement” that will “overturn U.S. imperialism (and) capitalism.”

OVERALL, BLM's wants, its 'doctrine', it's 'strategy', 'foundational spirituality', everything about it except its raw hatred, violence and excessive greed are muddled, scrambled, incoherent. 

They claim Marxism, but want ALL the wealth.
They decry racism, but are deeply devout racists.
They rail against cops killing blacks but refuse to discuss blacks killing more blacks daily than cops kill blacks in a year.
And they want to enlist whites to kill cops for them, even if some of those cops are black. 

Capitalism must die, they say, but first, fork over all the money to BLM and go shop their high-priced online store. 

NO ONE HAS OWNED SLAVES IN AMERICA SINCE THE CIVIL WAR, and never mind that Native Americans, whites, Asians and others were also slaves. Only black slaves matter. 

They say that America was stolen from the "Indians", but then demand some, or all, of that land FOR THEMSELVES, FOR FREE. 

As more and more Black communities are pointing out, BLM is NOT sharing their mounting wealth with even the poorest black communities. 
NO, NOT ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER...not the children lost daily to black-on-black crime and/or domestic violence. 
NO, NOT the many Black girls and women raped each day inside those communities. 
NO, NOT the unborn babies aborted each day in numbers greater than the 'national average'. 

Read my second 'end note', and IF THIS is what you choose to support, you may certainly do so. 

They say ignorance has a cure in gaining knowledge, but stupid is incurable. 



** REUTERS Transcript:
Police clashed with anti-racism
protesters (BLM/Antifa) and
pushed back members of the press in
downtown Portland, Oregon
into early Sunday morning. More than 20
arrests were made (BLM/antifa members).
Police declared a riot after they said
rocks and cans were thrown at officers.
Social media postings showed police
pushing protesters and photographers to
the ground
and jabbing them with batons as officers
drove them out of an area near
Portland's federal courthouse.
Protesters burned an American flag and
clashed with police
as they tried to arrest demonstrators.
The violence followed a relatively
peaceful rally
by the self-declared western chauvinist
Proud Boys group on Saturday.
Wearing black and yellow polo t-shirts
and militarized body armor
with many brandishing weapons, Proud Boys
railed against democratic leaders in
Portland as protests over police
violence and racism have rocked the city
for months. Proud Boys chairman Enrique
"But it isn't protests. They're burning
down cities.
What does that do for George Floyd?"
Anti-fascists (antifa) and black lives matter
groups held a counter protest
two miles south ahead of the rally.
Oregon governor
Kate Brown declared a weekend state of
The Proud Boys group forecast the rally
would draw a crowd of at least
10 thousand. Police said fewer than 1 000
showed up.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016
BLM Activist to "White Folks": Your Money and Your Life.

Ashleigh Shackelford had a vulgarity-laden article published by Wear Your Voice in which she makes it clear that white people are — at best — second-class citizens in the movement. In fact, she says the proper role of “white folks” is either as human shields, criminal agents, or financiers. Only she is not so delicate or eloquent about it.

Shackelford — a self-described “Radical Black Fat Femme. Queer, Agender Baddie. Writer, Body+ Advocate, & Activist” — shows her (and her movement's) true colors in all their white-hating glory. Her article — entitled 'For White People Who Want to Attend #BlackLivesMatter Protests' — is nothing if not straightforward. 

Against the backdrop of the BLM crowd claiming that the movement is just about people wanting to be treated equally, Shackelford's article is a blatant admission of the true nature of BLM. 

In 1,585 words, she betrays the pretense of the BLM crowd and — probably without even realizing it — shows it for what it is: a racist hate group built on sensationalizing the deaths of black people for the express purpose of capitalizing on the negative emotions it stirs up while destroying the very fabric of America in the process.

She begins by saying that the last two years of “organiz[ing] around anti-black violence and within the #BlackLivesMatter movement” has taught her to get over her “personal/political naiveté” about having “white allies” in the fight against oppression. She says she came to realize that “trying to work with white people in direct actions became extremely triggering and tasking.” And why is that? She says:

"White people are 400 years too f**king late for a round of applause for a damn tweet with a hashtag, or for showing up to a damn rally. So many white folks use politicization around #BlackLivesMatter to perform woke-ness because they are still praised in doing so. There is a special snowflake card issued to every white person who goes above existing in silence. But the reality is that even when white people “speak up,” those words are often plagiarized from us, they’re almost always given without citation or credit to whichever Black person they heard/read it from and they are almost always in a position to do more than just “talk.”

Shackelford offers her list of “the things that matter the most at this point in time for white people who want to show up to a #BlackLivesMatter protest.”

Numbers one and four on her (did I already say disjointed?) list are, “Ask yourself why you need to go to a #blacklivesmatter protest.” She asks, “Unless Black organizers have specified that you need to come to a rally for buffers against the police, as a legal observer, or to collect other white people, why are you going to a protest when you’re the oppressor?” 

One need not listen too closely to hear echoes of “Sit at the back of the bus.” Just to put in the for-what-it's-worth column, I agree with at least part of her question. Since the movement is built on the kind of idiotic racism espoused by Shackelford and other BLM “leaders,” why would any self-respecting white person want to be at a BLM protest? Her acceptable reasons for white people attending include acting as “buffers against the police.” The more descriptive term is “human shield,” which she makes clear next by saying, “If you really believe that #BlackLivesMatter, ask yourself if you’re willing to die for us and to die to dismantle this system.”

As inflammatory as her opening remarks are, though, Shackelford is just getting started. She lists other questions white people should ask themselves and says that “If you cannot answer yes to ALL of these questions, you don’t need to be at a protest.”

"Are you willing to learn everything possible about anti-blackness and its many forms so that you can dismantle it? Are you willing to give up everything you have to make sure Black people can survive, thrive and be safe? If you cannot answer yes to ALL of these questions, you don’t need to be at a protest. There are more ways to actually use your privilege and more ways to challenge the anti-black violence embedded within you without being at a protest that you serve no purpose for. Your presence only triggers the black people that are frightened by you, and you actually don’t change anything by being at a protest if there is no work to match your visibility."

So, to be clear, it's perfectly all right to be anti-white (in fact it's a praiseworthy goal for white people to strive toward), but unless white people are willing to give up everything they own and die to “dismantle” a system of “anti-blackness,” they need not apply. The fact that her argument turns in on itself and commits suicide as it crumbles under its own weight seems lost on Shackelford.

Her second point is neither less inflammatory nor any more logical: reparations. Now there's a word that is sure to stir up controversy. While race-baiting black “leaders” have trotted out this idea for years now and there is nothing really new to say on the subject, Shackelford does manage to make the idea sound even more distasteful than usual. She says to her supposed white audience:

"Nothing you have is yours. Let me be clear: Nothing you have is yours. Also, Let me be see through: Reparations are not donations, because we are not your charity, tax write off, or good deed for the day. You are living off of stolen resources, stolen land, exploited labor, appropriated culture and the murder of our people. Nothing you have is yours." [Emphasis in original.]

This would be a great time to point to all of the millions of hard-working, educated black people who have prospered and made something of their lives. Among them are millionaires and business owners and doctors and lawyers and congressmen and senators and governors and even a president. This would be a good place to point that out, but some logical points are like punchlines: If you have to explain them, they are pointless.

In case "white folks" missed her point, Shackelford spells it out in pure snark:

"We live in a white supremacist, capitalist world, so ain’t no spinning webs of lies around “money isn’t the answer.” It is because money and exploitation and power are interconnected concepts of violence. Y’all spent hundreds of years selling, mutilating, raping and beating our bodies and labor but you think money doesn’t matter to our freedom and liberation? Cute. Write me a check for this shade because it comes with 400 years of trauma."

[MY NOTE: Write HER a check? When was she a slave? Does she want us to believe she was a slave for 400 years or has been "traumatized" for 400 years? Is she totally oblivious to the facts that FREE Blacks immigrated to America WILLINGLY, GLADLY, that the last slave ship arrived in the U.S. in either 1859 or 1860? Where was SHE then? NOT aboard the Clotilda!]

"We need housing, transportation, food, clothes, free space for meetings and work space; we need laptops, cell phones, encrypted systems for communication, solar power and LAND." [HANG ON THERE! ALL LAND YOU COULD GET YOUR HANDS ON WAS ONCE THE SOLE PROPERTY OF INDIGENOUS TRIBES, NONE OF WHICH ORIGINATED IN AFRICA OR EUROPE! YOU WANT TO ROB "INDIANS", TOO? THE HELL YOU SAY! THIEF!]

" Stop playing. Y’all really thought pulling up to the protest in your Hyundai was gonna be enough? Nah. You have to give us everything we need and more, because even if it means you go without — it doesn’t matter because that’s how we been living for 400+ years. Reparations will never be negotiable. So if you’re not willing to talk money, you are not here for #BlackLivesMatter as a movement or for us as individuals."


Don't let her jab at the connection between “white” and “capitalist” slip by you unnoticed. She and others like her in the BLM crowd mean to lump them both together and eliminate them both together. In the twisted recesses of their minds, wealth comes from nothing and “white” equals “capitalism” and both are oppressive. The only thing that keeps black people down is the oppression of “white capitalism,” and if that were removed and white wealth were redistributed, then black people would all somehow be wealthy. After all, she wants “white” people to give “Black” people “everything [they] need and more, because even if it means [white people] go without — it doesn’t matter.

In her next point — intentional acts of disruption and shifting of structural power — Shackelford fleshes out her vision of white people as the criminal agents of BLM. Besides “shut[ting] down and boycott[ing] white businesses instead of Black folks having to do it” and giving “all their money to Black folks,” Shackelford says that she wants to see “white allies” (oh, now we're allies) “shut down police stations and highways across the nation for #BlackLivesMatter” and use “violence as a tactic against other white people perpetuating violence against Blacks.” She continues:

"Shifting structural power is key. Reparations falls in line with that as well. I don’t want to see white people holding up a damn sign, I want to see white people doing work that will get them killed because that’s how much they want to dismantle antiblackness. Are you willing to die for us? Because Black folks have a death count of 7 million and up. Are you willing to kill for us? Because we get called violent for protesting “peacefully.” At this point, ain’t no white allyship, b. You either an accomplice (and even then, I don’t trust you) or you ain’t sh*t."


Wait. I thought we were allies; now we're accomplices? And even if white people kill and die for BLM, Shackelford doesn't trust them (which, of course, makes more sense than I am sure she realizes). If white people don't kill and die for BLM, then they “ain't sh*t.” Talk about being damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Again, point four is “See #1” (which is “Ask yourself why you need to go to a #blacklivesmatter protest.”), presumably because Shackelford thought of a few more points that she should have included there and rather than go back and edit her rant, she just stuck those thoughts at the end.

These are not really new points as much as simply her saying the same things in an even more disjointed way than before:

"Ask yourself if you care more about what the world thinks of you or if you care about the safety and protection of Black lives. What is the truth, boo? If you do decide to go to a protest, be ready to write checks and give up your car keys. Be ready to connect with other white people to start planning a highway shut down so that you can involve yourself with the high risk that would harm us more when we do it. Like I said, if you not [sic] about this sh*t, DON’T GO.


Whiteness operates in a way that means that using your privilege “for good” often requires Black folks to still be a position to be “saved” or “in need.” We don’t need white saviorism. We don’t need white people to speak for us. We don’t even really need white people to show up to rallies. We need our reparations, we need intentional disruption that involves high risk and we need y’all to stop playing."

Saving the best for last, Shackelford reveals her “victim-for-profit” mentality by listing her PayPal link along with the plea, “Support my emotional and intellectual labor by donating.

At the risk of Shackelford accusing me of plagiarizing “Black” people, her anger and lack of logic remind me of something Malcolm X once said: “Anger is the wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.” Actually, though, Malcolm "borrowed" that quote from Robert G. Ingersoll, a white man. And while both Ingersoll and Malcolm were almost always wrong, they got this one right. Anger blinds the intellect. So does hatred. So does greed.

Racism, even — and possibly even especially — that which presents itself as anti-racism, is always wrong. 

In their victim mentality and anger and thirst for other people's property, Shackelford and others like her in BLM either miss that or deliberately pervert it for their own purposes. Given her PayPal link, I think Shackleford's motives are clear.


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